Vanilla theme

the vanilla theme is a "Learn how to do all the things in Drupal8" with a theme that dont have any flavour, that sound fancy, in reality its a collection of documentation and theming best practices, where I try to navigate away from the last Drupalism's that still exist.


  1. CSS clases should not be named on the machine that creats it
  2. Show all possible variables in the code, if its possible split variables out so its quick to move around
  3. Provide urls to documentation, cause were stupid
  4. If templates needs to cleaned up more, put em in own directory
  5. Document the css with kss

Issues & bug reports:

All development are dont on github, cause honestly drupal's patches is harder to get into, and i hope to get more frontender involved, also i like PR's more than patch files.

But all issues & releases will be done on d.o


Download d.o/project/vanilla